Friday, 9 December 2011

weather permitting...

Was i wishing for snow in my last post?!! Ha!! Well we have some, and also a whole lot of wind! Here in the Great Glen i think the wind decided it was a handy corridor for ripping right on through! The Postie told me today how he saw water from the loch whooshing high up into the air, and after a few branches and then a fallen tree threatened his route he turned back down the road for home! A wise man indeed. Today has been the complete opposite to the windy one, a beautiful day, very still, just one for tidying up and, errrr replacing some roof tiles and returning to my neighbour, the various pieces of her former greenhouse.....

So, Power has been off in Caketopland for 32 hours, but now we are reconnected! Yay! Well done engineers! If you are awaiting a reply to any email or word about your current order, i shall hopefully catch up with you over the weekend. Any queries at all, just get in touch!

Now, before the storm arrived and interupted my 'schedule', i was preparing my mini Christmas cake for my decorating evening with the local Women's Rural Institute. It's not finished yet, i am still to add a decoration for the top. This will be the forth year that i show the ladies of Glengarry how to make some fun cake decorations for Christmas. We always have a good laugh and the ladies do enjoy friendly competition as to who can do what best! The mini cake when it is finished will be my 'and here's one i made earlier' sort of thing, and a raffle prize for the night. So, no more power cuts please, SWRI night is next Tuesday.... weather permitting!!

UPDATE!!! The night went well, here's a pic of the finished cake, and also on facebook i've just added a step by step how to make a mini cake and robin!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Snow is falling!

Yes indeed, only a few days ago i was wondering when the snow would come, but finally it is here! Time to feel festive and throw snowballs!! If you are planning a winter wedding perhaps you are looking forward to some lovely snowy scences to set off your day. If so you may well be dressing in something glamourous but cosy... mmmmm not a wooly hat on this occasion perhaps, but a nice cosy stole!!

This winter wedding couple i made for The Little Venice Cake Company, the bride is very chic in her stole and some lovely red flowers add a nice festive touch! The figures are made completely from polymer clay, so have a look as if made from sugar, but will be able to be kept long after this winter as a nice memento!

Don't forget My Holday Dates, 20th December 2011 - 24th January 2012. Get in touch if you have a query or would like to make an order for February time.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

where's the snow?

Happy December everyone!! The countdown to Christmas has begun!! No snow here yet... well there is a sprinkling on the tops of the mountains, but down here at house level it's just a bit wet and chilly! Not at all like where this caketop couple are!!

Yes, it's pretty snowy where they are, and they need their wellies on!! Plus, best to watch out for flying snowballs when this couple are about!!

I hope you are all enjoying the run up to Christmas and Hogmany- i do hope you have some nice plans afoot. Now if some of your plans involve a wedding there is still time to order your cake top. However please note that here in caketopland everything is shutting down for a month!! Holiday dates this year will be 20th December until 24th January 2012. Hooray!! Lots of time for being snowed in and eating all the christmas chocolate.... So if you would like to make an order for January time or early February please get in touch asap so i can make and have it posted off to you before Christmas.

The New Year also proves a busy time for emails, and i will try to stay on top of them during holiday time, but if there is any delay in getting a reply don't worry, but do give me a ring after 24th January if you have an urgent query that hasn't been answered.

Don't forget to keep in touch via my facebook page too, and visit my etsy shoppe if you so fancy- still some brooches to be had in time for Crimbo!!