So, Power has been off in Caketopland for 32 hours, but now we are reconnected! Yay! Well done engineers! If you are awaiting a reply to any email or word about your current order, i shall hopefully catch up with you over the weekend. Any queries at all, just get in touch!
Now, before the storm arrived and interupted my 'schedule', i was preparing my mini Christmas cake for my decorating evening with the local Women's Rural Institute. It's not finished yet, i am still to add a decoration for the top. This will be the forth year that i show the ladies of Glengarry how to make some fun cake decorations for Christmas. We always have a good laugh and the ladies do enjoy friendly competition as to who can do what best! The mini cake when it is finished will be my 'and here's one i made earlier' sort of thing, and a raffle prize for the night. So, no more power cuts please, SWRI night is next Tuesday.... weather permitting!!
UPDATE!!! The night went well, here's a pic of the finished cake, and also on facebook i've just added a step by step how to make a mini cake and robin!!